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really it's a good game, and I hope to see another update one day soon!!!

I adore this game a lot it's seriously so good I keep re-playing it over and over again... I am hyped to see the full game for this <3.

If I leave a comment here, can I receive notifications of updates? I need more from Jack!


The end of the demo destroyed me. Why did it have to stop, i need more 😭❤️


(Desperately begs for more) PLEASE! this is such a good game i need to know what happened after the tapes!


made an account just to comment lol the power this game holds

but yeah i wanted to say that i absolutely loved this demo and Jack has my hand in marriage OvO cant wait for the full release


DAYUMMMM this was so amazing! im definitely pumped for the full game, and the ending scene with nick was chilling, love it!! love the cgs esp, super hyped man!!


Is there going to be a MacOS version? I really wanted to play this :(


I really like this game, I hope there will be more in the future(Am I the only one who is interested in Ian?? I reall wanna know what he did!!!

Amazing Demo! I loved it and I can't wait for the full release!! What is up with Jack????? I'm so curious!!

can someone please tell me how to get to afterlife mode??? please??

Finish the demo and it will unlock the next time you go to the menu.

Also, the demo has no safe function available yet. 


I am sorry to contact you through here, I didn't know where else to contact you for this issue. I have been trying for the past few days to download your demo, but it doesn't work. It'll get about halfway done with the download and then it says that it can't download because it doesn't have permission. Am I perhaps doing something wrong or is the issue simple to fix? Again, sorry to contact you this way, I didn't know what else to do.


Same i have been try to download this game for like an 1 hour

Deleted 1 year ago

No pude descargar el juego y quiero jugarlo.😭☀️❤

Necesitas jugarlo, esta ufff

Na,no es nada,solo que me pide la edad esacta para jugarlo,no mi Sunny Day Jack,tal vez en el futuro pueda jugar.😭☀️❤


Na,no es nada,solo que me pide la edad esacta para jugarlo,no mi Sunny Day Jack,tal vez en el futuro pueda jugar.😭☀️❤


Will there be a Mac version? T_T I was trying to play it on crossover but I can’t get it to work


love this game! just decided to come here and tell all y'all that I don't think there's a character limit on what you can name yourself...


"You're. My. Idol." -Max  But seriously this made my day xd


WELL GOOD FOR YOU CAUSE IT GETS BETTER (its so funny but you cant skip through the name so it has to spell it out every single time...)


fellow will wood fan


also a fellow mettaton fan! 

it will have an android version

I finally have a notebook, I will be able to play this wonderful game


how do you save



nvm turns out i was like .5 seconds from the end lol


Has the full game been made? Really want to know if I can't receive the game notification,i love it so far^^

Deleted 1 year ago

omg I just saw it,thanks!! :)


I just wanna know the cannon height for everyone



Accidentally just learned the skip button is the windows key


So good so far. Amazing voice acting, hot characters and scenes, and the story is so interesting. Can't wait to see more.


super awesome demo!! definitly waiting on the full release ^^


Has the full game been made? If so, where has it been released? I really liked this game and I think that there's at least a 2nd part because I've seen bits and pieces of some play throughs and It had more to It. I'm in Australia so I don't know If It's on a platform available to me


another Australian here full game isn't out yet still demo if you wanna keep up to date with the game easiest way would be checking the sunny day jack twitter account, also there's a wishlist on steam so my best guess is when the full game is out it'll pop up on steam but yeah nah still in demo form currently. From what i've seen they've been reworking the sprites of the characters, not sure what exactly what you mean by the seeing bits and pieces of some play throughs unless there's some patreon exclusive stuff i'm not aware of or maybe could just be a part of the demo you haven't seen. hope this helps  


Thanks for the tip, I'll be sure to keep an eye out for anything to do with them realising the full game


This demo alone has me so excited, I can't wait to play the full game!

O jogo roda no windows 8?



roda fi, mete bala


is thers any way you can save, load or go back into the text, i'v tried but the only thing you can do is going forward ?

Do you have any plan on making it android?


Is there any plans for releasing a Mac version by any chance?

hi um, whenever i try to download the game it keeps crashing BEFORE i can even extract the file, or basically it just shows up 'this folder is empty' even if i do try to extract it. any idea about whats wrong??

Hi excuse me but I've tried downloading the game a few times but the file just shows up empty on my computer.

Try extracting the file. It worked for me maybe it will work for you.


Only 30 mins in but Jack is sooooo cute!



I can't figure out any way to have instant text, I strongly dislike text that slowly scrolls out.  Also there doesn't appear to be any way to save the game.

you just have to click while the text is scrolling out

Do someone know how to make the perfect cupcake? I NEED TO KNOW!!!!!!!!!


you have to use the primary colored ingredients



Does anyone know how to get to the options screen? If there is one?


I was trying to download this so i could open it with wine since i have a mac but the zip file won't even open :,)


I love this game so much! Originally I've seen Jack on tumblr and the like, and was put off by his design. But now that I've played? I'm in LOVE! I've joined the patreon, and can't wait for more!!

(3 edits) (+5)

Soooo, boy do I have things to say. In the good way, I swear.

Game is fantastic! Funny clown big tiddy ghost demon guy freaked me up good! Like damn, I really commend the skill to portray subtle(?) emotional manipulation. And boy does that clown man raise my defences! Loved it!

The cat is the cutest! I would die for her. The cat man is cool too. Mister Sunny Day better not mess with either! 

Ian is a cutie. 10/10 =) would ex again! Jokes aside, I do like him and hope that he can patch things up with MC (prolly with some help from player). Again, big clown man better not hurt him, or I will exorcise him with the satanic bible, aka my Latin textbook.

And the tapes, boy, the tapes! Like wow they are cool. And informative! And the voicework overall is great! Kudos to the voice actors! Such a fine job!

TL;DR: Game's great, big thanks to you all.

P.S.: Jack, we don't assault cute goth men. Insecure much? And cashews on froyo is a great topping, ya big baby!

please dear gods of SOMETHING IS WRONG WITH SUNNY DAY JACK I beg of you make a macbook version so I can play too~

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