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i thought the only +18 thing was the  murders noth the... that. i do like the game, but I'm asexual.  And the  PART isn't very important. Ok, i get it, its a demo, i can't skip it becouse i dont know where it ends at i have to read it. 3:


is there no save and load- ;^;


will there just be a demo i really wanna play the full game! 

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can we download it but on Mac? :( pls




Hey is there a full game? I fin the new longer demo and that clif hanger is mean


I was wondering the same thing that cliff hanger is making me sob I wanna know what happens next

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Help, I bought the game and nothing has been paid or downloaded, I'm new to this, what do I do?


the game is free, what did you pay?


Paga por la segunda descarga, paga 2.99

¿O es solo la demo? Y todavía no ha salido, no entiendo nada 


solo es la demo, no ha salido. Tienen otra versión mejor que está más completa pero es gratis tmb


is normal that if i can only see one chaper ?


When I download it, it doesn't work??


one key word- ..AWSOMEEE!!!! im so freaking in love with this master piece <3! jack's voice, design, his overall character, just *chef's kiss*. I've played the few games you have out currently, but this one specifically takes the crown! 


Is this safe to download? I know it's dumb but y'know, it'll calm my anxiety and if it's safe I'll download it, it looks like a really nice game and I'd love to play it!


yes!!! ive downloaded it, and its pretty good!!!!!!!!


Can you make it Macos useable please.

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Hey can i ask u something i was wondering can u make this demo and the extended demo on android device's like a RCA android tablet if u r not busy please and thank you


I wasnt sure what to expect going into this demo but WHOA this is so good. Im deeply deeply  intrigued. I was getting some serious creepypasta vibes...but sexy. The voice acting is phenomenal.  I LOVE it! Cant wait to see the full version.


I really hope the full version of the game realses very soon Im so excited to see whats in store! Usually demos dont really give you anything good just a slight taste. But this one already gives you a sex scene! Very generous of a game creator to let that out just for a demo


really hope you release a mac version :(


Is this the full game???


this is the original demo, it's been reuploaded here (for nostalgia purposes) because the developer posted an extended version of the demo :)


Could you please do it on the Android version, I would really love to play it.