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It's not working on my Linux TT^TT it just has a black screen no sounds or anything. Help please ~^~


When will this release on android...? 


Why is it not on mobile?


Yeah! Us Android and Apple users want to be able to play! :(




I feel so guilty for not paying money rn, I swear when I get paid I'm throwing so much money and support at these amazing devs that I've been snatching. RAHHHH!


just a lank screen when playing on linux dontknow if its a problem wiith my computer or with the game


Game is not working on Linux. Ive downloaded it but when i try to play it. Its just a black screen. Help?


Omg I'm having the same issue TwT

I'll try to find a soution if you find one before me please tell me TT^TT


This game looks amazing! Will there be a Mac version made in the future?


Is there a possibility it can be used on Android?


Love the bo content cant wait for the next update!!!♡ also if you dont mind answering, will their be more new stuff when bo is fully completed? I mean in game wise? Sorry if I come off as rude i mean this in a genuine and curious way 


Amo este juego, realmente es muy bueno, desearia que hubieran más juegos así 

PD: Amo a Bo y su voz. ❤


Ich habe versehentlich eine Belohnung von 56€ gegeben und ich sterbe😭

(1 edit) (+4)(-1)



click feed him button(on the top right), then you can watch him talking dirty 


oh and you need to lick the button on his necklace/choker to continue the dirty talk


basically you just press your mouse for dialogue and the rest is for you to decide like if you want to "feed" him you can press "feed" him and the rest is up to you! ^^


Is this not for a phone is it only work on a computer?


Hi there, the current public build only works for PC at the moment, sorry!

(1 edit) (+1)

Its ok thank u So much for replying have a nice day Also if it is not to much Trouble can you explain me how to download it on a PC Thank you

hello tell me something when they are going to show Something's Wrong With Sunny Day Jack

(1 edit) (+2)(-1)

I'm having trouble downloading this, and I'm on my Alienware laptop. Is there anyone that can give me a step by step? Sorry I'm a little dumb..

Edit; Ok my braincells finally worked thank god- anyways, it's not going to work if you download the Win and the Linux file. Just download the file that your computer runs on. Ex; My computer runs with Windows so I downloaded the windows file.

After you do that you're gonna wanna unzip/extract the file, go into the file labeled "DachaBoPetSim". If you have windows, your security system isn't gonna let you run it at first, just click the learn more thing under the explanation and then click "Run Anyway", and you're in!


is this a dude? because im straight



Tengo un problema, en linux no me aparece el archivo que permite comenzar el juego, es decir, el .sh


Oh god I keep getting into a new obsession territory...and I love it... 

It (〃 ̄︶ ̄)人( ̄︶ ̄〃) amazing job. Love the art & details and the VA too, damn (/≧▽≦)/

pwease make an 32 bit version

(1 edit) (+2)

does anyone else have a problem with unzipping the files? I've deleted and re-downloaded the games 3 times and its still not letting me open it.  I also tried pressing on the "run anyways" option but it just sends me back to the files. what can i do?? T-T 

edit: I fixed it, I didn't realize the game opened in another folder...


AAAHHH i need help it won't open on my computer TvT

Love him so hot and cute :D  amazing job as always <3


i need a mac book ver



Hey it would be cool if you also had a Android version of this


Hello, could any one please help me open this game in Linux? I'm having a bit of trouble. Thanks!


This Documenting my time with this this device and I already said the fatal lines of "Oh no he's CUTE!" and fall in love with him.


I press the button gave me a Radom voice line and the first one was very direct and made me speechless 


second voice line and I can see it was made in 19s and in the U.S (Block busters doesn't even exist where I live)

the next one after that was actual cute I cant get mad at what he said.

A reference to monster trainer/catching genera interesting


Said something out of context and I very sure he meant the dirty version of it.


first horror interaction and I got shaken and scared now I'm here with my nerf gun and screw driver cuz mi scared

from 1.47 - 2:35am I kept on doing lines and actually talking back too him am I goings nuts?

lore related note he likes uhm wait no I mean he may be fueled by love or something

Time Unknown

Conclusion Everything is fine now but I want more content from this game I'v spent too much time finding everything and I want more I tried going into the files even!


Is there plans for a mobile version of this game? It's perfectly suited for it. ^.^




please the spanish versio


damn... is this what my phone feels?


I really need an android version


honestly there is a lot of psychological horror potential here. seeing that bo is a typical possessive boyfriend a full game could explore the idea of an unhealthy relationship with him. heck, the game could even have multiple endings. one where you continue the unhealthy cycle, and one where you smash the toy, representing breaking off an abusive relationship.


hell naw there's no way I'm breaking this cutie


understandable, he is pretty damn sexy.


Smash the toy or Smash the toy? ;) *considering this game's elements*



I kind of was expecting the game to have a plot


As much as I love the art, I find it a tad unsettling to find out he's actually super buff when you click "Feed Me!"... not complaining though. ( '  - w - )


tbn I love this game,but it seems that Bo has many secrets we don't know.I hope there will be more choices for me to know more about him!!!


Am I missing something?? is there something to do other than pressing one button to hear him say a few words or is there more to it??


Nah sadly thats all there is to it as of now. But idk when they will update Dachabo because I do know that Snaccpop Studio is working on Something's Is Wrong With Sunny Day Jack 

Well, this aged beautifly... to be fair it's a not a new update but some news that this game is still being worked on has well.

there will be an android version ?

I... was not expecting that 



haha same here there are over 86 damn files plus more haha 


bro i wanna try this game until i only see the white screen 

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